Sustainable Forestry
What Is The Sustainable Forestry Initiative?
Many forest landowners in Louisiana practice sustainable forestry as a way
to assure their children, grandchildren and generations that follow have a place
to hunt, fish, work, camp, hike or drive through the rural splendor that is
Louisiana. The Sustainable Forestry Initiative promotes land management
practices that allow for the harvest of trees while enhancing the environment
for wildlife and clean water and planting new trees for the future. Many
generations can enjoy the economic benefits of Louisiana's No. 1 crop —
trees — as well as all the wildlife and environmental benefits for years to come.
All Louisiana forest landowners will manage their land using practices that
are economically and environmentally responsible. -
Louisiana's forest will be protected from wildfire, pests, diseases, and other
damaging agents in order to maintain and improve long-term forest health and productivity. -
Special sites that are biologically, geologically, or historically important will be protected and managed in a manner that takes into account their unique qualities.
The Louisiana forestry community will continue to improve the practice of forest management and also to monitor, measure, and report the performance of its members in achieving its commitment to sustainable forestry.

Species and Communities of Concern in Louisiana
Information for Family Forest Owners
One of the environmental issues of concern today is the worldwide decline in forest habitat and the related loss of biodiversity.
Got a complaint about a logging job?
Call the Louisiana Forestry Association with the details if you see a logging job not in compliance with Best Management Practices or forestry practices appearing inconsistent with SFI Standard requirements. Filing a formal inconsistent practices inquiry is confidential.
A trained forester can check on the site-specific inquiry and work with the landowner and logger to remedy any situation appearing inconsistent with SFI Standards. Any event that involves criminal charges such as timber theft will be referred to the State Enforcement officers.
To file an Inconsistent Practices inquiry, call (318) 443-2558 weekdays 8 a.m. till noon and 1 to 5 p.m. or email Gracee Texada at
Rare and endangered species
The Sustainable Forestry Initiative provides protection for threatened or imperiled species in our forests. The document below provides specific information on those plant and animal species in the state that need special attention. For more information, consult the Nature Serve website and
For facts sheets and other information about rare and endangered species, please see