Unwanted pesticide pickup dates scheduled

The Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry (LDAF) has scheduled two more dates and locations to collect unwanted pesticides from agricultural producers across the state who need assistance disposing of them properly.
The next date for the Unwanted Pesticide Pick-Up Program will be from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dec. 8 at Shutt’s Seed Service located, 12548 La. 1 in Hamburg. The second date scheduled is Dec. 10 at Teche Farm Supply, 2100 Canal St. in Jeanerette.
Eligible items include, but are not limited to, partially full containers of pesticides and pesticide products that are canceled or expired.
The program will be conducted at various locations in the state on an annual basis. There is no cost to the farmer or landowner, and it is completely anonymous for those who wish to participate.
“We are happy to continue providing this service to agricultural producers, pesticide applicators or homeowners who need to get rid of old, unused or partial containers of pesticides,” said Commissioner of Agriculture and Forestry Mike Strain, D.V.M. “This program allows us to help properly dispose of unwanted pesticides and ensure that human health and the environment in Louisiana are protected.”
All pesticides will be accepted. Containers will be supplied for transportation to the collection site if old containers are damaged. Inventory sheets, which can be obtained from your local LSU AgCenter office, are recommended to assist in documenting the pesticides being disposed.
Currently in Louisiana, an individual wishing to dispose of pesticide products must contact a licensed contractor for disposal, which results in a costly fee based on pounds of product(s) submitted for disposal. The LDAF program will not require a fee for the disposal of unwanted pesticides. The cost of the program will be funded through fees associated with pesticide manufacturers’ product registrations in Louisiana. All pesticides offered for sale in Louisiana must be registered annually with the LDAF.
The LDAF has retained a licensed contractor for the program. This contractor will assume all responsibility for pesticide products delivered to the designated locations and for disposal.
The program, which started in 2019, schedules dates and locations after the LDAF and LSU AgCenter determine which location will best serve the public.
For more information, call LDAF’s Kevin Wofford at (318) 345-7595 or your local LSU AgCenter office.