Schroder: Help for loggers still available

Louisiana State Treasurer John Schroder is traveling central and northern Louisiana, promoting the Louisiana Loggers Relief Grant Program and encouraging loggers who are business owners to apply for a one-time grant of up to $25,000. Thanks to legislation passed in the last legislative session, the State Treasurer’s office is overseeing the administration of this grant, which is part of the Main Street Recovery Program, designed to assist loggers.
“Between bad weather, hurricanes, and the pandemic, our logging industry has suffered far beyond what could be considered just a tough year,” said State Treasurer John Schroder. “These pandemic relief grants come at a crucial time and will help offset losses and get many of our logging businesses back up and running following a tough season of significant challenges. I am thankful to our Legislators for what they’ve done to identify and help our logging industry.”
The $10 million grant program is administered through Louisiana’s Main Street Recovery Program with funding from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. Since the program’s launch date of September 10, 2021, $1 million has been awarded. If approved, loggers can receive grants up to $25,000 for losses incurred during the pandemic. Grants are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis.
For a list of criteria and to apply go to or call (225) 219-2363.
Press release from State Treasurer's Office.