Learn to Burn workshop March 29

A proscribed burning workshop is set for 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday, March 29, 2023, at the Boy Scouts of America Camp Edgewood in DeQuincy. Space is limited, so anyone interested in participating in this free workshop is asked to register by March 22. Lunch is provided, so pre-registration is mandatory to be sure everyone has lunch.
The workshop is designed to train landowners to burn forest land. Participants will have classroom instruction and field experience as part of a team that will apply a prescribed burn to a tract of forest. Topics include:
• How to Plan a Burn
• Smoke Management
• Liability
• Burning Techniques
• Equipment
• Cost Share Assistance
• Safety
Participants are asked to wear field clothes made with natural fibers, such as cotton, and leather boots.
To register, contact Chris Rice at The Nature Conservancy, 318-237-5569 or by email at crice@tnc.org.