House resolutions to repeal vaccine mandate fails

BATON ROUGE — The Senate Health and Welfare committee on Wednesday rejected a House resolution to repeal a state rule requiring COVID vaccines for students.
The committee voted 4-3 against the resolution. Its vote will allow the Louisiana Health Department to add the COVID vaccine to a list of required immunizations for students aged 16 and up.
State Rep. Larry Bagley, R-Stonewall, proposed the resolution after several lawmakers brought the rule to his attention.
“I have 10 pages of testimony from people in opposition,” Bagley said. He also claimed: “There’s danger there in vaccines.”
A number of parents traveled to the State Capitol to testify in support of the resolution to strike down the COVID-vaccine requirement.
“There is real discrimination that happens as a result of this being passed and mandated in the schools,” Laura Cannizaro Rodrigue, one mother said. “It is very obvious to us as moms that this is more of a political thing than a health thing for our kids.”
Rodrigue said children are required to quarantine for 14 days if exposed to the virus. She also said that children who are not vaccinated are treated differently in school activities because of the vaccine requirement.
But state Sen. Regina Barrow, D-Baton Rouge, said she had a personal connection with the virus, as she lost her husband to COVID-19 in December 2020. She said both of her young grandsons who live with her are vaccinated.
“While there is a segment of folks that's represented in this room who believes this one position, I can guarantee you that there’s a larger group that believes differently,” Barrow said.
Some pediatricians testified in favor of the vaccine requirement and added that it was easy for parents to opt out if they do not want their children to get vaccinated.
The Health Department allows parents to apply for an exemption to the requirement for medical, religious or philosophical reasons.
The one-page exemption form just requires the name of the child, the school, a parent’s signature and a school representative’s signature.
The House had passed the resolution 69-30, but after the Senate committee’s vote against it Wednesday, the resolution will not make it to the Senate floor.