Annual tree giveaway set Friday, Jan. 26
Every year, the Louisiana Forestry Association celebrates Arbor Day with its Tree Giveaway. However, the LFA postponed the event until Friday, Jan. 26.
The giveaway begins at 7:30 a.m.
As usual, the LFA will hold the tree giveaway at our office, 2316 S. MacArthur Drive in Alexandria. Come by and get free seedlings or saplings in a variety of species that are sure to add beauty and other benefits to your property.
This year ArborGen SuperTree is providing seedling species of:
Bald Cypress
Overcup Oak
Water Oak
Willow Oak
Also, Louisiana Forest Seed is providing sapling species of:
Bald Cypress
Green Ash
Live Oak
River Birch
Sawtooth Oak
Sweetly Magnolia
Weeping Willow
So make plans to come by the LFA office, 2316 S. MacArthur Drive in Alexandria a get some free trees!