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By Scott Dane

As We Are Seen: Members know ALC represents

The American Loggers Council recently held its 2021 Annual Membership Meeting and Conference in Coeur d’Alene Idaho. Even with the ongoing uncertainty of the Pandemic, 180 timber industry representatives gathered for 3 days of business, seminars, logging operation tours and other events.

Why did logging industry representatives from all four corners, and in between (28 states) attend? Because these industry leaders know that it is the American Loggers Council that represents them and their issues.

Opening the Conference was Idaho Governor Brad Little, who personally attended, formally addressed and welcomed the group, and visited with the attendees.

Why, in his busy schedule did Governor Little attend the Conference? Because he recognizes the value of Idaho’s timber industry (not to mention his personal and professional relationship with the Associated Contract Loggers - Idaho, their staff and members) and the role that the American Loggers Council plays in collectively representing the 30 state association members.

Participating in the Conference was Julie Tucker, a representative of the US Forest Service - DC Headquarters Office.

Why did the USFS official attend and participate in the conference? Because the US Forest Service appreciates the collaborative professional relationship between themselves and the American Loggers Council. Additionally, as the PATHH program application deadline approached they knew that directly reaching the 28 states that were represented at the Conference was the most effective way to reach out to loggers and truckers across the country.

While at the Conference, the American Loggers Council received a direct official correspondence from the White House specifically addressing the American Loggers Council, the Conference, and the economic and environmental benefits that the timber industry provides in sustainable forestry.

Why did President Biden reach out to the American Loggers Council during the Conference? Because healthy forests, wildfire mitigation, rural jobs, and carbon sequestration are not partisan issues. They are shared objectives, and the timber industry, represented by the American Loggers Council, is recognized as being a key element to accomplishing those objectives.

A couple of weeks ago the House Committee on Small Business, Subcommittee on Underserved, Agricultural and Rural Business Development held a Hearing on “Sustainable Forestry’s Role in Climate Solutions. Of the four witnesses testifying two were American Loggers Council affiliated. Scott Dane, American Loggers Council Executive Director testified on behalf of the minority party (Republicans) and Dana Doran, Professional Logging Contractors of Maine (American Loggers Council member) Executive Director testified on behalf of the Subcommittee Chairman Jered Golden and the majority party (Democrats).

Why was the American Loggers Council invited to provide Congressional Testimony? Because both parties recognize and respect the fact that the American Loggers Council and its members are necessary to heathy forests, created by science based silvicultural practices performed by the timber industry. The American Loggers Council, Legislative Committee Chairman, Henry Schienebeck (GLTPA Executive Director) testified at a previous Congressional Hearing this past summer as well.

So, “How are WE, the American Loggers Council, Seen?”

We are seen as a leading professional organization that represents the American Logging Industry, speaking on their behalf, and as the National Voice for Professional Loggers.

To be part of the American Logging Council join your state associations, join the American Loggers Association directly as an Individual Logging Member if your state does not have a logging association, or if you are an ancillary company (supplier, consumer, vendor, OEM, or other Association) you may join as an Associate Member.

Be Seen, Be Heard

For more information on these membership options and to join visit

(Scott Dane is executive director of the American Loggers Council.)


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