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2023 Educators Tour set for May 24-26


The annual Louisiana Forestry Association's Educators Tour is set and now accepting applications.

The LFA also is inviting the companies or individuals wishing to sponsor an educator to learn about forestry to help out.

Each year, the LFA teaches those who help educate youth about forestry in Louisiana. Participants learn firsthand about how important forests are to Louisiana. They get to visit harvest operations, tour lumber mills and manufacturers of forest products, while receiving great information about natural resources that can be shared with students.

This year, the even will be held May 24-26 in Natchitoches.

All expenses are covered for the 30 slots available. So, make sure if you or if you know someone who wants to participate, be sure to download a registration form and send it to Gracee Texada at You also can email her with any questions.

The LFA also is inviting companies or individuals who would like to help sponsor an educator, you can! Download a sponsorship form and email it to Gracee Texada at


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