Adapting to change makes logging a success
Adaptability, that’s what Casey Durand says is vital for the modern-day logger to be. Durand should know as he has adapted his business,...

Honoring the Tree Farmer of Year
Covering 862 woodland acres in East Feliciana Parish, The Shades Plantation has been a witness to Louisiana’s history since the 18th...

Know trespassing laws; seek permission
Forgive us our trespasses is more than a prayer for some foresters. It is a hope that after doing the right thing by notifying...

Hog eradication not pretty, but essential
Forest landowners know there are only two types of land: that which doesn’t have hogs; and that which soon will have hogs. Feral hogs in...

Prescribed burn associations can help
The summer of 2023 was the hottest, driest summer in memory. Along with the hot dry weather came wildfires. Through the end of October,...

Canfor mill in DeRidder going well
Canadian forest industry companies have been finding their way to the Southeast U.S. for about the past two decades, mostly because of...