Despite virus, forestry news good for 2021
The world might seem on hold during a COVID-plagued 2021, but in forestry, the economic news is very good. Brooks Mendell, CEO of a...

Seeds4Trees teaching Louisiana's youth
A new nonprofit group, Seeds4Trees, is reaching out to schools to teach students who seeds become trees. This can be used at almost any...

Difference of prices at market vs. for sawlogs
By Tony Diaz, LFA President, 2020-2021 We often use the metaphor of a three-legged stool when explaining a basic model of the forestry...

Broadway Outstanding La. Logger in 2021
Spend a little time with Randy Broadway and you’ll quickly find out how much he likes to joke around. At a logging site, he likes to keep...

DeRidder tree farm a Giltner family legacy
A fortuitous combination of family inspiration, education and hands-on dedication has led to George Giltner’s selection this year as the...