Schroder: Help for loggers still available
Louisiana State Treasurer John Schroder is traveling central and northern Louisiana, promoting the Louisiana Loggers Relief Grant Program...

Treasurer Schroder promoting logger relief
Louisiana Treasurer John Schroder was on tour in Central and North Louisiana on Tuesday to promote the Louisiana Logger Relief Program....

LSU working on way to kill hogs humanely
Only two kinds of forestland exist in Louisiana ... one that has feral hogs and the other that will soon have feral hogs. The search for...

Working forests are essential
In 1960, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a Congressional joint proclamation designating the third Sunday in October as the...

Treasurer to promote logger relief program
Louisiana Treasurer John Schroder will tour the central and northern part of the state to promote the Logger Relief Grant Program and...

Paper cups a good morning staple
In 1960, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a Congressional joint proclamation designating the third Sunday in October as the...