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Louisiana Logging Council


Louisiana Logging Council

The Louisiana Logging Council is a professional group of logging contractors operating within the Louisiana Forestry Association. The Council engages in logging issues and advocates for loggers.


You can download the following form, fill it out and mail it in today with your check and become a part of the Council. You will also receive the Louisiana Logger magazine each quarter.

SmartLogging Certification

Four loggers are also certified through the LLC and SmartLogging with third party on-site audits. Click the link below to view the names.

Officers for 2025

Council President:
John Keith - Chapter 2

Northwest LA

(318) 949-3672


Chapter Chairmen are:

Kendall Puckett - Chapter 1 Co-chair
Northeast, LA                                                         
(318) 245-6874                                 

Sam Terral - Chapter 1 Co-chair
Northeast, LA
(318) 245-6051


Lowell Hubbard - Chapter 3
North Central LA
(318) 302-9329

Vacant - Chapter 4

Southeast Central LA


Angie Bonner - Chapter 5

Evans, LA

(337) 208-6813



Trampas Sibley - Chapter 6

Livingston, LA

(225) 223-1106

Vacant - Chapter 7
West Central LA



The Louisiana Logging Council has an annual seminar in August during the Louisiana Forestry Association annual meeting. Chapter meetings are held more frequently during the year.

Sales tax exemptions for logging equipment

Louisiana Loggers get an exemption from state sales taxes on equipment purchases, as well as purchases for parts, lubricants, belts and oils used in the logging business. The exemption does NOT include local sales taxes.

Loggers must apply to Louisiana Department of Revenue for Certification as a Manufacturer to claim 100% exclusion from state sales tax on purchases of equipment. Loggers must have the current form; the old document will not be accepted.

Loggers and forest products industry need to complete the Application for Certification as a Manufacturer for the purpose of Sales/Use Tax Exclusion from the Louisiana Department of Revenue. Beginning October 1, 2009, Department of Revenue required the equipment seller to hold a copy of this certificate from the purchaser before granting any state sales tax exemption. Local sales taxes may still be collected. The equipment seller could be liable for the sales tax if he can’t produce a copy of the buyer’s Exemption Certificate.


Loggers and forest products industry can access the form by going to, click Tax Forms, scroll down under Tax Exemption and  find R- 1070 and click Forms and Instructions. (Or use this link: Applications for Exemption)


Logging and forest industry equipment are completely exempt from state sales tax with the proper certification certificate from the Department of Revenue.

Be sure you have this certificate before you try buying a piece of equipment


Logging contractors must get a harvest season permit each year to haul forest products in "their natural state." The permit allows 86,600 pounds on state roads and 83,400 pounds on the interstate system. Also a Timber Harvest Permit can be obtained to allow loaded log trucks to weigh 92,000 pounds for $100 per truck. Applications can be obtained online at the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development LaGeaux portal by clicking on the button below.

PATHH assistance for loggers

The USDA has set up assistance for loggers who recorded loss of revenue in 2020, as compared to 2019, due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Click here to find out more about how to apply.

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